Thoughts on living and teaching in Tanzania

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Content and Grateful

The cow in the toliet hole!

Jacob and I washing clothes!

Anna's new Obama bag!

Fellow teachers playing Uno at break

Werema bathing...all the kids bathe in the yard!
Students catching a ride home from school

Sunrise and cattle on the way to school
 Sometimes, well most of the time, I find it hard to express everything that I am feeling, thinking, and experiencing. This is especially the case now as I am sitting in front of my computer staring at the screen. I guess the best words to describe my heart these past weeks are content and grateful. I cannot explain it, but there are moments in life when I am genuinely content and grateful for God’s good, guiding hand, instead of mine, placing me exactly where I need to be. As Frederick Buechner states, “The place where God calls you is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.” I don’t know exactly how God does it, how he knows precisely what you need and when, but He does. It’s like I look back at my life and wonder how I got here, teaching in Tanzania, and I genuinely don’t know, but I am glad I am. The immense joy I receive from teaching and just spending time with neighbors and the   hundreds of people, mostly kids, that we live with, is such a blessing that I do not in any way deserve. Don’t get me wrong though, living in Africa is definitely not the easiest task I have ever taken on, but I love it…most of the time. I will say though that I am missing terribly Chick-Fil-A and barbeque in general!!!
For instance, some events that have made me laugh so very hard these past weeks are: 1) Jacob and I were riding the same bicycle from school down the rocky, dirt road and totally busted it in front of all our students. I had bruises for like a week, while only Jacob’s ego was bruised I think. 2) Yesterday, one of the cows fell in the hole where the toilet is being constructed and we had to lift him out. I could not stop laughing at the situation, but I felt horrible for the cow as it was so scared and kept hurting its face on the rocks. 3) Today, on the way to town, Jacob and I were riding the daladala with over 25 people in like a 16 passenger van, and there were three chickens riding with us. One of the chickens decided to poop on the way and the liquid travelled along the bottom of the daladala and got all over Jacob’s bag, shoes, hands, etc. Let’s just say he was not exactly enthused, while I of course could not stop laughing. Those are only a few stories, but ones I feel describe fully our day to day life experiences.
On a more serious note, Jacob and I would like to help our school in a few ways. First, we really want to paint the school as some of the classrooms are painted while others are not…maybe even some murals of the world, Africa, etc. Additionally, most of the chairs are broken and therefore have no backs for the students to lean against. We would just need to buy some wood and some screws we think. We also want to start a small library with English/Swahili dictionaries, African literature books, and other teaching resources as there are literally none. We do not expect these tasks to cost very much money, but we also don’t have very much either as you know. I would genuinely appreciate if any of you would like to help, but know also that it is hard in America at the moment as well. However, I know that the Lord is always good no matter the circumstances and will supply everything we need to accomplish our goals even if it takes the whole year I am here. Know that I love you all very much, and would not be able to make it here without your prayers and support. Please email me at if you have any questions or just want to say hi!!! MISS YOU ALL!

Love you more…Katie

1 comment:

  1. Hey Katie, I appreciate your honest and humble words - thanks for sharing! And the pictures are amazing. They really tell a story and show the life of the people you are encountering. I hope your craving for Chick-fil-a and barbeque goes away soon! Those are not exactly foods that I could put in a box to mail you :) Thanks for taking the time to share your heart and what God is doing in you and through you! - I know you don't have much internet access! Much love to you! ~Lindsay
