Thoughts on living and teaching in Tanzania

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


     So this is officially my first post (yay!) which is just a greeting to let you know I actually have a blog and am writing on it. If you know me at all, you know I am not the best communicator and therefore this occurrence is quite a miracle, but one I hope to continue for the next year as I live and teach in Tanzania. Habari simply translates as 'hello/how are you' in Swahili and habari gani, the title of this blog for now since I know absolutely no Swahili, as 'what's the news?' Therefore, as I share my experiences with you, I hope you will do the same with me.

     I would additionally like to say that I feel genuinely blessed to be given this opportunity to do something I love and am passionate about! I am extremely excited and cannot wait to meet my fellow teachers, neighbors, students, etc., but am also nervous and sad that I have to leave such an amazing support system of friends and family. I am so fortunate to have you all in my life and am going to miss you immensely!!! Therefore, my time in Tanzania will not be lacking in trials and many days of homesickness, but I know that God's plan for me this year is bigger than every fear, insecurity, doubt, and inconvenience.

     As I prepare to leave in two days, I still do not know where I will be living or teaching which is just a little scary. This also causes issues concerning packing...which you know I will be cramming as much as possible in my two 50 pound checked bag allowance anyway. God assures Israel through Isaiah in chapter 41:10, "fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand," I know He has me in his hands.

     Alright, so I hope you read my blog at least once over this next year, although I am not guaranteeing you will learn something, be entertained, or amused. I will be putting up loads of pictures though hopefully, so if reading is not your thing then you can just check those out. Please know that you all will be in my thoughts and prayers as I hold you in my heart!
Much upendo (love),

1 comment:

  1. Katie!

    I'm so pumped that you are doing this! This blog is going to be awesome! I can't wait to read it. I will miss you tons! Explore, learn, talk, teach, and most importantly BE SAFE! Love you.

