Thoughts on living and teaching in Tanzania

Sunday, June 19, 2011

A sanctuary of time

So…I’m not in Africa just yet. These last two days of travelling have been quite an adventure of stress, disappointment, fear, and anxiety…but I wouldn’t take them back for the world. After three flights, five shuttle rides, and two train rides with over 150 pounds of luggage, I am still just in New York. Craziness I know! Practically all my flights had mechanical issues, weather delays, too much weight, or were just cancelled. Therefore, I am in a hotel in New York when I should be in Tanzania. I do get to leave tonight though pending that nothing else occurs.

Given all this hardship though, I have received a multitude of blessings through people I have met, time alone, and books recommended (Thanks Ashley;)). Through a few tears, I think I learned that I am never in control of my circumstances really, that a life of busyness can be a life of emptiness, and as Saint John of Avila stated better than I ever will “one act of thanksgiving, when things go wrong with us, is worth a thousand thanks when things are agreeable to our inclinations.” As long as thanks is possible, then joy is always possible. I think I sometimes go through life trying to control my circumstances, and letting the busyness of it leave little room for the source of it. God will definitely get your attention even if he has to stop your world, and he definitely did mine. This last year has been one of a life so full of work that it seemed empty sometimes, so my goal for this coming year was to just be present. Time is life, and as the book I am reading “one thousand gifts” says, if I want to find the fullest life, then I have to find the fullest time. Getting ready for this trip had me working longer than I should have, and crazily running around to get everything ready and done. God definitely stopped all that and made me set my intention for this coming year. I have gotten to get to know so many people, read (one of my absolute favorite things to do), and just spend time with the Lord (amongst of course finding my luggage and problem solving to actually get to Tanzania.)

So…all I can really say is thank you to the Lord, and to my family and friends he has put in my life that were a constant source of encouragement and help these last two and a half days. Know as always, that I hold you in my heart. Also, you know I love quotes, so I am going to leave you with just one.

“Can it be that, that which seems to oppose the will of God actually is used of Him to accomplish the will of God? That which seems evil only seems so because of perspective, the way the eyes see the shadows. Above the clouds, light never stops shining.”


  1. Katie, What an amazing attitude you have! Sorry to hear just arriving in NYC was so difficult- hope it was smooth sailing after that and you are safely in your village now. Keeping you in my prayers! xo

  2. Katie,
    Thank you for sharing your blog with us...I cry every time I read it. I'm sorry it took so long to get there, but grateful you made it safely. Please remember that we love you and miss you very much! I look forward to reading your next post.
